Cannabis – warum?

Problems with Marijuana: An ACO Sponsored Forum

Auch in Celle können nun Cannabis-Clubs gegründet werden:

Eine Frage, die ich mir immer wieder stelle, ist, warum Cannabis auf so großes Interesse stößt. Cannabis ist womöglich nützlich bei Schmerzen, Muskelkrämpfen, Übelkeit, Erbrechen:


Hinweise auf Wirksamkeit gibt es bei dauerhaften Schmerzen, Muskelkrämpfen bei multipler Sklerose, Übelkeit und Erbrechen infolge einer Chemotherapie oder ungewolltem Gewichtsverlust, etwa bei AIDS. Die Wirkung war in Studien eher gering.


Mehr als jeder Dritte bricht eine Behandlung mit Cannabis wegen Nebenwirkungen wieder ab.

Das erklärt jedoch nicht, warum es auf derart großes Interesse bei Menschen stößt, die nicht an Krebs, Multipler Sklerose, AIDS, … erkrankt sind: Der Verein [Cannabis Socialclub Hannover] erlebt derzeit einen Ansturm von Männern und Frauen, die eintreten wollen. ( Was motiviert v.a. junge Menschen zu Cannabiskonsum?

Eine Antwort legt dieses Bild (vor dem HBG Celle) nahe:

Warum möchten sich so viele nicht mit der wirklichen Welt arrangieren?

On Saturday, October 6, 2018 the ACO presented „Problems with Marijuana: An ACO Sponsored Forum“ at Rutgers University Conference Center in New Brunswick, NJ. Doctors and other professionals working in the trenches with drug addiction tackled the abundance of misinformation about marijuana and marijuana use by young adults. The forum featured a variety of speakers from different walks of life who offered their perspective on the subject. Keynote speaker, Dr. Theodore Petti, is a nationally recognized expert with many years of research experience who has consulted with the New Jersey legislature on the subject. He is Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and President of the American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr. Petti has spoken across the globe on issues related to cannabis in adolescents and emerging adults. Representatives from two internationally renowned websites promoting marijuana education—Julie Schauer, founder of Parents Opposed to Pot, and Kimberly Hartke representing Moms Strong—offered their views on marijuana use by young people. ACO president Peter A. Crist, M.D. introduced the program, and therapists Dee Apple, Ph.D., Edward Chastka, M.D. and Dale Rosin, D.O. presented cases involving individuals whose lives were disrupted by marijuana. There was also a rare opportunity to hear how one drug-free teenager manages a world where marijuana use by her peers in and outside of school is common; and from another young person willing to share details about her recovery from substance abuse. A question-and-answer section allowing the audience to interact with the presenters concluded the program. Find out more about the ACO at

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